Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Friends, Friends!

Last word in eternal union between two individuals. I cherish havin tons and tons of friends. Yes, I used to have many pals to talk, share thoughts and drop in their house without a call or invitation. Most these who fell in my 'friends' list where guys I had collected during college and post college years. At that time I regarded my abundant friends mix as sign of my social worth and as a trophy of my friendliness.

Then time moved on. I started working, they also moved away. Brighter folks went abroad leaving me at my hometown with a small time job.

Now in Bangalore, I'm loner as a large iceberg in the cold Atlantic. Drifting aimlessly in the Bangalore current, melting my time and thinking of those wonder years with my friends. Sometimes I think of the house visits, how I converse with my friends and their family..... all is gone under the mat, now it's me and my lady.

Pathetic as it sounds, I still crave to have people around me. People who can call me, confide on me, talk some rubbish... why can't I make it now. Can a married man at forty start making new friends? or does acquiring new friendship stop with 20's.

Corporate life in Bangalore hasn't given me a single friend. All of us leave separate lives and there's no connectivity during weekend. Busy existence with their own gigs & worries. I just wonder abt their personal life?

If you're reading this post, u can cast ur suggestion. Give me ideas to grow friends through real life interaction. Maybe, I should join some club. But I don't have that kind of dough! Poor me.

Do everyone go through such phase in life? Do friends last or they just go downunder never to come back. Is there a way to reactivate friends from distant lands. Here's what one blogger has to say on that...

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