Thursday, September 2, 2010

Why Are Our Police Corrupt?

All is well as long a we're away from the long arm of LAW. In case we need to step inside the Police Station for any issues, right from Passport verification to any other complaints, we we get to see the greyer side of this department.

Couple of months back I had to vist hoysal to get a passport check for my Mom. These fellas, good at sniffing issues with her address etc made the case complicated. Since I did'nt want to prolong this task, I went for the easy way of pleasing this cop.

Yes, expected it and I gave to his gratification. 500 bucks to inside his khaki done away all the red-tape he was talking.

This makes me wonder what made these law enforcement people become just opposite of what our society wanted.

Few reasons I could find:

Underpaid & overworked
Lack of competency
Bad working conditions
Political interference in work
Low morale & lack of training
Long hours of work
Unorganized working/ Case reporting
Bad administration
Complicated working procedure

There are more to it, maybe you have better theories to the issue. Just like the Govt machinery, this department too stinks of corruption at all levels.

How can we take a step to improve the life of the Cop and make his work easier. Why not we digitalize lot more of his work, make it more transparent? Let make each of them more accountable for the torture ( latest) against innocent public.

Another suggestion is to make model police station which has all modern facilities like a top-notch BPO office. Good cafeteria, good gym, good recreation place, good library, 24/7 online connection facilicy, communication centre, organized working space, and finally put some good looking healthy female cops amidst them( sex ration 2:1).

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