Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why Women's Changes her Mood

Dammit . One day she maintains good eye contact, talk freely on silly topics, smiles at me and all these makes me skip a beat. Yes, it also makes me build a castles in air.

Next day I again meet her, but then she is not the same women. She sees through me, she has a vacant look, no joke and I get dejected with women.

Women and Moods Swings
How often have you felt in this miserable situation. I've been through many such scenario leaving me foul mouthed, dejected, feeling low about myself, contempt at my inability to arouse interest in women.

Every time a lady treats me like this, I wonder why I took her so seriously. But all the time I fall for the same trick.

What's the science behind such mood changes in women or is it that I failed to excite the lady? Did my talk fail to shoot the temp in her curiosity meter?

Anyways, I end up as looser a way side jerk. In the end, I end up with my wife to console and talk these misfortunes and she laughs wildly as my stupid dream.

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