Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Trail trip

I didn't complete on what I wrote about travelling by train. Every time I travel by train, I've hight hopes of sitting next to someone from the opposite sex. But, true to my luck, I never, never get a chance to interact, talk or just sit next to a pretty thing.

Most often, as this time too speaks, I sat next a very disinterested lady who was busy talking to her boyfriend. Damn it...

With hundred of fairer sex travelling in the same train, why can't I connect with a single one. Why does it have to work only by chance luck? We have come a long way in networking sites, but there is no application to help us connect with fellow travelers...

Some time back I have met few guys, and it turned out they were interested to know about my work and ideas abt online conversions.. Yes, such interaction was pretty interesting... yes, I love to connect not just with pussi** but also with men with ideas, thoughts to set new biz...etc..

Even that is not possible. We sit in our own space, consumed with our thoughts, and in the end of the journey we part to own forgotten lives...

NB: pussi** ( means what? oh that vulgar slang I love to use)

Sorry, if my thoughts are too sexist and baring. If so, you're requested to bail out immediately without leaving a nasty comment.



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